Thursday, 15 November 2012

Communication Hardware & Software

As for final steps, both hardware and software are finally combine and it shown as in picture. The output are controlled from personal computer and the result are shown in hardware part.

Successful connected state

Figure above shown state after successfully connected USB cable to personal computer and ready  to accept the order  after  initialize progress.
Word on LCD display(Hardware)

Database on Visual Basic 6 (Software)

Project Software

  • C Language Coding:
    • To write a program, C  language are used to PIC18F877A understand the command. This coding are written in CSS compiler and also compile with it too. Below are show the coding:
       Main program (a)

      Main program (b)

      Main program (c)

      Main program (d)

      Main program (e)

      • Visual Basic (GUI):
    • Visual Basic software is used to design the interface for user control the output.
    • PC interface(succesfull connected)
    • PC interface (identify the computer’s port)